We finally got the date...
12 June 2010 (Saturday)
No doubt it's longer than expected, but it may not be a bad thing. The time will allow us better preparation and more innovative ideas...
While I'm excited about the lifetime ahead, I'm currently more excited about the day... and the things we will do...
Some of the ideas have already started forming in my head. With these ideas, of course there will be additional costs - But at least we have more than a year to save hard for these things which I hope will make things a little more special...
1. Sending a fridge magnet with our invite card -
Seriously, who keeps wedding invites? Personally, more often than not, I find myself digging through piles of paper / in my drawers to scour for invites that have been sent to me a month / two in advance of friends' wedding day when the date of the wedding gets near.
With a fridge invite, people can save the hassle of keeping the invite card (which I am hoping not to spend $$ on, but get the hotel to provide for Free). And with the right resources and contacts, these magnets need not come too costly!
Check this out...
2. Cutsy wedding favors -
A suggestion from 小瓜 - To give out cute gumball machines as wedding favors...
Hrrm... Not too sure about this but I sure love their site!
But probably need more time to scout around...
I really really like this other idea too! But need to scout around for contacts to bring it in / personalise it....
- Go color keys
Anyway, a list of other sites to refer to in the upcoming months:
- Idea Gifts
- Do me a Favour
- Heaven Gifts
- Divine Favorz
- Sell Her Online
- Wedding favors resources
For wedding prep:
- Minah
More to come! =D
Love, Zennie...
Well done! Now I need to brainstorm on the proposal...