Time has been flying by and now it boils down to this - 74 days away from our wedding day and a list of things to-do!!!
Just thought that I'll keep myself in check and pen here some of the things that are left undone and to be touched on!
Here goes............
1. Wedding invites - Completion date - End April.
i) To print inserts for Dinner invites
ii) To remind Xiao Gua to show us draft of Church invites, and subsequently, go into production work
iii) Church mass booklets - Completion date - Mid May.
2. Arrange for food tasting and to finalize requirements with hotel - Completion date - Mid May
3. To select and order Church catering food - Completion date - Mid May
4. Guests list - Completion date - End April
5. Guest seating arrangement - Completion date - End May
6. Helpers & Delegation of duties - Completion date - Mid May
7. Confirmation and selection of all gowns / suits - Completion date - Mid May
8. Songs Selection - Completion date - Mid May
9. Confirmation of details for Actual Day wedding date Photography - Completion date - End May
10. Photo montages for wedding dinner -
i) Pre-dinner - Pre-wedding photo shoot shots - Completion date - End April
ii) During Dinner - 'Growing up' - Completion date - Mid May
iii) Lighted Pixels - Completion date - Actual Day
11. Video montages - Completion date - Mid May
12. 'Gua Da Li' details - Completion date - Mid May
13. New Bed Purchase - Completion date - End May
14. Church arrangements - Choir, Flowers, Room for tea ceremony, reception Hall arrangements etc - Completion date - Mid May
15. Guest ang bao box & Guest booklet - Completion date - End May
To be continued.... (as things come to mind... SIGH...)